Tax Accounting for Asian Issuers

International Tax Strategy for Asian Issuers and Business Owners

MarcumAsia provides international tax services to support Asian companies and individuals listing their companies, developing business operations, or making investments in the U.S.

Our international tax services group has the extensive expertise and technical knowledge to help our clients develop suitable structures to minimize their overall tax burden while remaining compliant with tax regulations in both U.S. and Asia. We regularly update our clients on changes in the tax codes and opportunities to take advantage of tax incentives.

We help our clients to optimize tax efficiency across a wide range of transactions, including structuring offshore listings, cross-border M&A transactions, purchase of U.S. assets, real estate transactions, and EB-5 investment programs.


  • Optimizing the structure of investments and business operations in the United States
  • Structuring cross-border listings, acquisitions, sales, and other exchanges to be tax efficient
  • Tax issues for Asian citizens immigrating to the U.S.
  • 米国資産を有する非市民のための贈与、信託、不動産に関する留意点
  • 移転価格に関するアドバイス
  • 税理士業務のアウトソーシング
  • 外国信託の米国受益者
  • 支配下外国法人問題
  • 金利手数料 国内国際販売法人
  • 受動的外国投資会社の問題

MarcumAsia offers our clients support from Chinese-speaking and multi-lingual professionals backed by deep international tax planning expertise.